Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hi. I'm white. I'm American. I'm middle class. I live comfortably. I'm a Christian. In America, I am not a minority...this is not America.

In Ethnic and Minority Issues, Jessup asks the question: "Have you ever been the minority?" As many of us live lives as described above, we can honestly say...no. No we have not. I have to an extent with living in Lithuania, but even then, I never really felt it other than a few times. Tonight, however, I felt that bit of minority. A group of us headed up to the castle to watch the sunset. We were sitting there enjoying the beauty of God's creation, when a few boys approached us. At first, things were going well, I gave one of them my Coke and they were just messing around. However, shortly things started to go downhill. The Coke that I had just recently given them, the spit out onto one of the girls. One of our guys defended her. Then, things relaxed again for a bit, until we decided to leave and they followed us. They spit on us, threw things at us, made vulgar comments and so on. Now, all of these things were completely harmless, but at the same time...they did make us kind of nervous. We couldn't speak the language, we couldn't tell them why these things were wrong. The boys handled it so well as they were really calm with this kids and they just loved on them even through their hostility/affection towards us. We were the minority. We could not speak their language. We did not thing their way. We just had to kind of go with it.

Lesson for the night:

True love is loving when hating is the easiest.


  1. thanks for posting this. yay for a tangible reminder... some times it's just better to experience things like that than just talk about them.

  2. really good reminder annie! thanks for the encouragement. Cannot WAIT to see you!

  3. no way, you have a blog! found you on here by chance...and i'm so excited about that :)
