Monday, July 4, 2011

Such is Life.

Last night we went to the symphony. I forgot how much I love orchestras. It was a really great night as we sat outside, listening to music, hanging out, and having conversation. Towards the end of the night, the sky started to get dark. It was evident that there would be a thunderstorm of some sort. The rain held off until the end. However, the show inside of the clouds was incredible. The lightning inside of the clouds danced along with the music as the orchestra played. The sky lit up and the beauty was revealed every single time. I watched this show put on between the sky and the orchestra and could only think how creative our creator is. It seems like such a typical, corny, Christian thing to say, but I am serious. God is so creative. He created the beauty of the earth and he created that natural show in the sky. I see these things and am reminded of how good God truly is. I am blessed to be loved by a God who is so big. I am blessed to be a part of this grand production that He is putting on. I am blessed to call myself His child. I love how little things like thunderstorms and lightning can bring such a big reminder.

This reminder came at just the right time. I have hung out with my friend Matt a lot lately because he is heading out to Wisconsin and I have been bogged down with atheist statement after atheist statement. He just wants me to say that I am not a Christian. He wants me to say that I don't believe in all of this "stuff." The truth is that I can't say it. I can't say it and I can't believe it because the truth is that I do believe in God and I do believe in Christianity. I have doubted at times just as we all have had doubts about something, but the truth is that I have no reason not to believe in God. I have no reason not to believe in Christ. I have no reason to give up my faith because I have been without it and it sucks. The situation with Matt sucks because every little thing that I say is shot back at me about not believing in God. It is an attack and it sucks because I have never pushed Christianity on him. I have never pushed any of my faith on him. I have been willing to talk about it and I have lived it out, but I refuse to push it on him. That's not what he needs. It has been one heck of a battle lately though.

I have a job for the next few weeks. It actually has been a pretty good job so far. I am working with an agency called KingdomForce. It is an organization that sends brings the Kingdom of God in the United States, but also in Kenya, South Africa, and Jamaica. They connect with existing ministries to send teams to partner with them and work alongside of them. In the US, they plan events all around the United States that bring the body together and unify the body. Recently, they had Youth on Fire in Muncie, which happens four times a year in Muncie. The service was actually really sweet. They definitely have God's blessing in their ministry. He is doing great things through them and it is evident. My main thing in the ministry is that I am an assistant or glorified secretary. It's not too bad, I am typing, running errands, making phone calls, and it's something that is not so bad. I enjoy it greatly actually.

1 comment:

  1. i have also been cheesily marveling at God's creativity lately. exhibit A: lightning bugs. they are bugs..... that light up. just because he thought it would be cool. this was my deep revelation the other day.
