Thursday, November 26, 2009

The World's Largest Store

Every year, millions...billions...of people watch the Macy's Day Parade on TV during Thanksgiving. And EVERY Year, out of that crowd someone makes the comment, "How cool would it be to be there." Well let me just express how 'cool' it is. Let's just say it might be the equivalent to hell. I mean here you are in downtown New York standing with literally no room to move at all. I could not move my arms or my hands in any motion. Yep, not at all. And then you've got those toolbags who are making everyone else have a miserable time. For example this a-hole was standing in front of us on a milkcrate. Ok, let me just explain who this guy is...he is the guy who can already see because he is like six feet tall, but he has to get the best pictures so he stands on a milkcrate to make him eight feet tall. Really neccessary...oh wait, no its not. Or these other toolbags, you will know them...the ones who get there early and it's wall to wall people and they want to bring their friends forward...oh wait they cannot get through because it's literally WALL TO WALL people. However, they decide to continue to make plans to bring them through. Well suck it up and let them stand in the back, it's their fault for not getting there earlier. Want to know what happened at this point? My pops says, "You can go back there if you want to be with them, it is their own problem for not getting here at an earlier time." Jerbear was about to lay someone out. Aside from all of the not being able to move and not being able to take pictures around the 8 ft. man, it was not so bad. Would I do it again? Maybe from a hotel room on the route. Otherwise, nope...not a chance in hell.

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