Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wake up! Wake Up!

So, here I am, Saturday...4:52 pm...Library. Not much is happening today, all the study rooms are taken...Pet peeve: Study room being person...really? Is that really needed? I mean c'mon! There are a ton of other people who could use that groups of people. Do you really want to be the person that everyone despises? I think not. So freaking go to a table, heck go to a cubicle....they are built for one! But get out of the freaking huge room, lame.

Woke up this morning...yep, not dead. Left the dorm to go to the magical place that we like to call the Dining Commons, DC for short. 8 o'clock this morning I ventured to this beautiful land. 8 o'clock on a gorgeous Saturday morning, I ventured there to go into a magical little place we call...the office. A land of wonder and awe...ok, not so much. Pet peeve: Waking up to go and type out the menus for the tvs...then later on in the day they change everything I typed out. I mean, no big deal right? It doesn't really affect me...oh wait...I could have slept longer! Dear DC, quit sucking and let me know ahead of time if you are going to suck so that I can get some more sleep. Thank you, Annie.

Other thing today, made food with Kelly, Sarah, and myself of course. We get down to the kitchen (Kelly and I, because Sarah takes for freaking ever) and Kel and I realize that we need some items that we just so happen to not have. Of course the front desk is not open yet...why would it be? It's Saturday, they need to get their beauty sleep. I mean, it's not like we buy stuff from them or depend on them to have the front door unlocked or even to keep any strange men from walking upstairs. So, anyway, Kelly and I need we go to my house to get them. Annoying part of this, I thought before I jumped in my car to come back to Olson today to bring these items we needed, but I thought "no, the front desk will have them." Fail. Pet peeve: Thinking to bring something, but then not bringing it because you have a plan that will not fail...then your plan fails. Thank you Olson hall front desk.

However, the good part of the day was that I did make some freaking good bread. Not meaning to brag, but I am pretty much incredible. I mean, really, who is as great as me when it comes to cooking. Not only did I make some freaking good bread, but the best pancakes that I will probably ever have. Yep, that is right...EVER. Suck it all you breakfast geniuses out there who think you are better than me. My wrath will come upon you if you ever try to prove me know why? I am Annie Freakin Nelson.

On a serious note though, you know what really just gets me...peeves me off if you will. The lack of reliability on this freaking campus. You see, a whole...a body, are some of the most unreliable people that I have ever met. No joke. My roommate constantly asks me, why does this bother me so much? Well let me tell you, it bothers me because when we hold things above others, we are not doing what we are sent here to do. Listen to me brothers and sisters, let me tell you that it says in the Bible that we are to hold others above ourselves. This means that selfishness is out. I am sorry, but if you make a commitment, then stick to it. If your friend is in need, then go. If you see that someone is hurting, then stop. I know what the thought process is in all of these situations, "but I have homework to do" or "but I just get so sick of it" or "but I cannot do this anymore" or "but..." BUT NOTHING! Get over youselves, humble yourselves, and be a brother or sister in Christ. All those things that you have to do, can wait. Love is one of the most important commandments and putting yourself and what you have to do first is not love. Putting Christ and others that is love. I'm not saying blow off all your homework to have a good time, but I am saying that the next time someone is in need, just drop what you have and go. Respond with the love of Christ. If you are tired, then there is this dude who is with us at all times who would be more than happy to share his strength with you. Besides, think about how many times you blew off homework to do something stupid or you were distracted. At least this has purpose. Love.

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