Friday, June 4, 2010

In His Presence

So I just get to sleep last's about 11pm. I'm having a nice, quiet, sleep when at about 2AM I hear these dudes YELLIN. Apparently, the new group got here. It was 2AM!!! I was just trying to get some peaceful rest before having to start the day off at 7 AM! It's cool though, it's cool....who needs sleep anyway before a 8 hour day? So this group, "In His Presence" is freaking huge, I am pretty sure that they are all body builders. There's no doubt that some of them have steroids for every meal...I mean HUGE. Thank you, "In His Presence" for making my life so interesting.

We finished off the day yesterday with a little bit of archery up at the range. I kind of felt like Robin Hood, but only better. I mean, I am that good. Seriously though, it was a great time. Welcome to my life.

As for today, praise the Lord that it is Friday. I am ready to have the weekend. This week has been jammed pack of so much work and it's nice to have a little breather. I am going to have to do a little bit of work considering we are going camping on Sunday through Tuesday and then we have the week in the City the following week, but at least a bit of a break will be nice. Tonight, I think a few of us are going to head to Lancaster to see a movie and be away for a bit. It will be nice to relax...I'm all about relaxing...

1 comment:

  1. okay so i am (slowly) catching up on your blog... and these In His Presence kids made me laugh out loud. thank you so much for all these faithful updates!!
