Tuesday, October 4, 2011


A few events have happened in the last few weeks that have really challenged my work here in Muncie. A former professor of mine asked me a few weeks ago what I am doing with my life now and I explained that I work at Urban Light as an Academic Coach. With that being said, he did not seem too impressed. Then, I started to question why I was here and what I was doing. I was frustrated with the interaction as I though that what I was doing here in Muncie meant nothing and that I could do better. It was a couple of days later when God really showed me what I was doing here. I ran into someone in Upland who I hadn't seen in a few years and in fact, she was one of the main reasons that I went to Taylor. Partly because of her great influence in my life, I am who I am today. We started to talk and she was asking me about what was going on in my life. She started to ask me about who God is in my life and how I am being challenged by him. She then told me that she wanted to see me do great things and that one day she wanted to hear my name. And it was then that God really started to get the wheels turning in my head. Great things don't always get great attention. Great things aren't great things unless they are blessed by God. It is what God has laid out that is truly great. It is what he challenges us to do that makes us into the people that he desires us to be. By having faith in this and knowing that God has selected us for great things according to his plans, I have no reason to worry about what might have been said to me. I have no reason to think that what I am doing is not significant. Through being a part of the Urban Light Community, I have learned a lot. Here's what's been going on mostly: Through working at the education center, I have learned about myself and in general. The first thing that I have learned is that I don't remember sixth grade math at all. Since when do sixth graders do geometry? Seriously though, I have learned to appreciate a good education even more and have developed a passion to help students to see the importance of a good education. Even though they may not always show that they appreciate it, I know that one day, they will look back and see why education is so important. Through every math lesson, science lesson, and phonics lesson, I have developed more of a passion and love for education. I see how school systems have just given up in some places and it motivates me even more to show why it is important. Education is important to succeed in life and if a student doesn't get it, then you do it until they get it, you do not give up. You work until they understand because it is only then that they will truly be able to move on. You ignore the world that tells you to use the easy ways out by spell check, computers, and calculators and show that there is still importance in actual learning and understanding. I have always been one who gravitates more towards older age groups and never have really been one to work with younger kids. However, I have learned through this that it is not the age group that I have always moved towards, but it is people in general. I have seen my passion for people in need as I work with these students. It is not just about education, but it is about loving them and being an example of Christ to them. It is about letting them know how important they truly are and that they are loved and cared for. God has shown me from working with these students that he has given me a passion for all people in all situations. He has given me a passion to love and care for those who he loves and cares for the most. He has shown me that it is not about their age, where they come from, or whatever their circumstances may be that he has given me a passion to love them and care for them with the love of Christ Jesus himself. The next big lesson that God has been teaching me over these past couple of months is a the true importance of God's community. When I moved here and started to go to Urban Light, God blessed me with a great community that has surrounded me since I have been here. He has brought people into my life who have lifted me up and cared for as the body of Christ. I do not feel alone, but I feel like I have a good, solid community that surrounds me. I have seen God work through many people in our congregation and touch my life already. I have seen how God lifts each person up through others in the congregation. I have seen how important it truly is to live with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It has been a huge blessing as I have been here in Muncie and I am excited to see how much more I grow in this community. This may not have been what I had in mind in May. Muncie does not really look like California...at all, but I do know that what I am doing right now is right where God wants me. Every single day that I spend with the kids at the education center, I can see God working. I can see him showing me something new and something so beautiful and daily I am reminded that we don't always need to go somewhere to see this, it is in our backyards. It is hard living here sometimes, but I would not trade this experience for anything.

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