As I approached this stage of life, I said that I would not be like my friends before me. I promised myself that I would not get into a slump about where I was in life. I promised myself that I would not feel sorry for myself or where I was. I promised myself that I would take life and live it to the fullest no matter the situation I was in. I promised that I would be in the moment and live in the moment. However, I have found myself approaching hard times and in those times it is harder for me to keep my promises to myself. It is hard for to live my life happily and no regrets even though I chose this for myself. I am happy where I am at and I can continually say that to myself, but the truth is that at times it is killing me.
We leave college and go into the world expected to be great. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and push ourselves to be great. If we do not feel that we are great or doing anything, we do not see what we are actually doing. People can tell us that we are doing great things and that we are making a difference, but it doesn't mean anything unless we believe it ourselves. And then we fall into this thought of how lame we truly are and how we are going nowhere. We fall into this trap of how we aren't doing anything with our lives. And all we can do is not listen to the lies, but be motivated instead. We have to see what we are doing here and grow from it.
As I am in this time of trial and hardship, I must push myself harder. I must be motivated instead of torn down. Most of all, I must realize that I am doing something and that I am making a difference. I can't be too anxious about the next step, but need to be present where I am at.