Saturday, November 28, 2009

We live to dance another day...

Typically, I write about some things that annoy me...that rub me the wrong way...don't worry, that is what I plan on writing about this evening as well.

We went to a movie today. Blindside. Good flick, really it was. Touching, heartfelt, and honestly something that makes me only want to go to the inner city even more. Not only that, but it helped me to really realize that we focus too much on impacting others, not letting them impact us. So, my first annoyance, an honest one and one that I struggle with myself, is that people go into situations with those less fortunate and think that they are going to change that person's life because they do not have as much as them. Newsflash...those who are less fortunate can have just as much impact on your life as you can theirs...but in a different way. Something to remind ourselves everyday...especially as Christians. I don't know if people have noticed, but Christians are not superheroes. We are not the ones who are here to save the world or to save lives. In fact, we aren't even the ones who save lives. I believe that there is trinity of some sort who has that department. So the next time you think that you are impacting someone, look and see how much they are impacting you. Also, don't take all the's not just you. On a less serious, but still serious note: We walk up the steps, see a great spot midway up in the center...there is a couple sitting on the outside by the we start to walk towards their row, I hear the woman say, "oh great." She was upset that we were wanting to get to the center of the row. Yet, she was sitting on the outside of the row. So, let me get this straight, if there is 2 ends and a middle, the person sitting on the outside probably has seats on the other side of her. If there are seats, they are probably meant to be used. IF the seats are empty, then someone probably should be able to sit there. Correct me if I am wrong, but seats are meant for people to sit in? I think so. So, therefore, if the seats are empty, and visible...someone should sit in them. This woman should not get upset to move so that someone can get to those seats. Correct? Correct. So to all of you people out there who are this woman, SUCK IT UP AND MOVE! What's that, you don't want to? THEN DON'T SIT ON THE OUTSIDE AISLE. Done.

My father is nearly 60 years old. I know, he doesn't look like it, but he is. Let me tell you what, he doesn't really act like it either. Nope, not at all. Sometimes, it feels like I am with a six year old when I am with him. For example, last night:
"Dad, I'm taking the car to meet Claire and Gerard."
"What?! What are we supposed to do without a car?"
(Note: We have not used the car to go anywhere this entire trip. In fact, the only time we have used it is to take my brother to the airport. Six year old factor: Not having a use for something until someone is going to take it away. Example: A boy has a red fire truck toy that used to be his favorite, but he loses interest eventually. In fact, he forgets about it. Until one day when his mom is going to give it to charity. He hasn't played with it in months, but once someone else is going to have it, he notices it's gone).
"Well, do you need the car?"
(sigh) "I guess not, I guess we can walk everywhere we need to go"
(Note: We have been walking everywhere. Besides that, there is nowhere that is needed to go. We are on vacation, where do we need to go? Honestly, where do we freaking need to go?! Six year old factor: Guilt trip. I guess not...wah wah wah).
Now, I'm not doggin on my dad. He is great, really he is. He does a lot of things for me and I love him for it. Just bein' real.

Well, that's all for now.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The World's Largest Store

Every year, millions...billions...of people watch the Macy's Day Parade on TV during Thanksgiving. And EVERY Year, out of that crowd someone makes the comment, "How cool would it be to be there." Well let me just express how 'cool' it is. Let's just say it might be the equivalent to hell. I mean here you are in downtown New York standing with literally no room to move at all. I could not move my arms or my hands in any motion. Yep, not at all. And then you've got those toolbags who are making everyone else have a miserable time. For example this a-hole was standing in front of us on a milkcrate. Ok, let me just explain who this guy is...he is the guy who can already see because he is like six feet tall, but he has to get the best pictures so he stands on a milkcrate to make him eight feet tall. Really neccessary...oh wait, no its not. Or these other toolbags, you will know them...the ones who get there early and it's wall to wall people and they want to bring their friends forward...oh wait they cannot get through because it's literally WALL TO WALL people. However, they decide to continue to make plans to bring them through. Well suck it up and let them stand in the back, it's their fault for not getting there earlier. Want to know what happened at this point? My pops says, "You can go back there if you want to be with them, it is their own problem for not getting here at an earlier time." Jerbear was about to lay someone out. Aside from all of the not being able to move and not being able to take pictures around the 8 ft. man, it was not so bad. Would I do it again? Maybe from a hotel room on the route. Otherwise, nope...not a chance in hell.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A roadtrip with the Nelsons

So many people have pondered, "what is it like to vacation with the Nelsons?" I am about to answer that question for all those people pondering this question. So here it is folks:

Picture this:
A small glowing blue PT Cruiser traveling down a beautiful highway, hills, sunset, green...gorgeous. This is from the outside, let's travel inside. Backseat, a brother and sister duo playing and singing tunes to an acoustic guitar. Front seat, bald headed Jerbear "driving", mother "reading" poorly written romance novels.

Scenario One: Broski and I playin and singin some tunes we wrote ourselves, along with some Thrice, Ataris, etc. As we are singing, interruption...
Dad: Bub, do you know any Jimi Hendrix?
Bryan: Nope.
Dad: What about Rod Stewart?
Bryan: Nope.
Dad: What about that song, 'A Horse With No Name'?
Bryan: Nope.
Dad: What about, 'Country Roads'?
Bryan: Nope.
We continue on with our own tunes. Singin about a man who lost is friend in south London. Singin about how our mom drives like a drunk. Singin about how Bryan likes boys. Throwin some Phoenix Ignition and Hootie and the Blowfish down. Ten Minutes (if that) pass Interruption...
Dad: Play some Christmas songs, Bub.
Bryan plays the first line of Carol of the Bells.
Dad: Do you know, 'Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer'?
Bryan: Nope.
Dad: Do you know, 'Mary Did You Know'?
Bryan: Does it look like I would know, 'Mary Did You Know'?
Dad: Ok....What about, Rod Stewart?
Bryan: I just told you know.
Continue to play some more. Lovin our lives, Two minutes later...interruption
Dad: Hey Bub, do you know, 'Horse With No Name'?
Bryan and I: No Dad, we don't. We didn't 20 minutes ago and still don't.

Scenario Two:
Dad's drivin down the road, right...we are still playin music in the back. Now, let me just explain how my father drives. First off, he has ADD...which does not always mix for driving. Honestly, sometimes it is like letting a dog drive the car. You know when you have a dog and you are walkin him and all is well, he's well behaved and chill, then what does he see out of the corner of his eye? A squirrel and what does he do? He runs. He gets off track of what he is doin and runs after that squirrel. That's my dad. We are drivin down the road, right, and then he sees something out of the corner of his eye and he is plastered to that object. He looks at the object and then cannot take his eyes off of it. Here's where the problem lies however, when my father looks at something, the car magically seems to steer that way as well. He is not so good at staying in the lane when his eyes are somewhere else. Not only that, but he cannot multitask at all when he is driving. Not even unscrewing a bottle cap....nope, by then we are off the road. Furthermore, I think that he might quite possibly be narcoleptic.

Let me explain: When my father gets in the driver's seat, he seems to fall asleep. Every time.
(Sound of tires hitting the rumble strip creating that ungodly sound)
Bryan: Dad, are your eyes closed?
Dad: No, no.
Bryan: Are you sure? I think they are.
Dad: (Getting a bit defensive)...You can't even see them! You don't even know!
Bryan: Okay...if you say so.
(Ten seconds later, that sound occurs again)
Me: Dad, I think that the road is on the left side of the white line....not where it goes "rawr."
Dad: Anna, I know! I am staying on the road.
(Goes off the road again)
Mom: Jerome, are you tired?
Dad: Quit, pickin on me guys, I am fine!

Okay now it's mom's turn. Mom is sitting in the front seat. Minding her own business. Reading her terrible novel.
Bryan: Mom, why are you so angry?
Mom: I'm not Bryan.
Bryan: (Nudges me and whispers) Anna, ask mom why she is so angry.
Me: Mom, why are you so angry?
Mom: I'm not angry, Anna.
Bryan: (Nudges me and whispers) Anna tell mom that she is a worthless sack of crap.
Me: are a worthless sack of crap.
Mom: Bryan! That's not very nice!
Bryan: Annie said it.
Mom: You told her to.

So that's the typical scenario. Bryan telling me to say things to upset mom. One thing that I have noticed though, is that with my family, my profanity level increases majorly. My mom does not like swearing, so it is my brother's favorite game to swear in front of her. When she gets upset, he 'makes' me do it. Only creating more 'anger.' Probably one of our favorite games. Another thing that I have noticed is that when my Aunt June is not with us, I have turned into the family lush. Thanks family.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here I go, scream my lungs out...

Drunk drivin, is what I like to do...drunk drivin, with you. Just a lil' song my broski and I wrote yesterday. We are practically musical geniuses. I'll admit it. We might or might not have sang for three hours straight in the car yesterday. Our parents may or may not still love us...ha.

That is all.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Let's Catch That Bird and Eat It...

So here we are, in the season of Thanks. Today at church, there will probably be the typical "what are you thankful for" message. In classes, on Monday and Tuesday, there will most likely be the "I'm so thankful for this..." from a prof, maybe even a couple of students (the perks of going to a Christian university). Now this is all good and happy, and fanfreakingtastic...but here's what my question is, ehem..Why in the heck, do we only talk about this during Thanksgiving? I mean come on...did God only give us the capability to be thankful one week out of an entire year? Of course not. Thanksgiving does some really funny things to people, let's assess this situation for a few...Look at American society, what does it say? It's an "I" society. All about "I." Everything is about yourself, do not worry about others, trip 'em as they run past. It's all about what "I" can accomplish, eff everyone else, they do not mean anything. Sound about right? Here's the funny part, when it comes to Thanksgiving, this "I" society seems to change drastically. It is now a "You for the day" society. Promoting to be thankful for those around you and to show them love. Show people that you care and that you are there for them. Spend time with your family....This is on Thursday, but when that clock strikes midnight, you know what society turns into? That's right, back into the "I" society. However, when that clock strikes midnight on Friday after Thanksgiving, they are crazier than they have ever been before. They are out for blood and they will do whatever it takes to get you out of the way. That's right, Black Friday. A day for all of America to act like idiots and trample all over people. A day where they are pushing people out of the way, to get what they want. Kind of ironic that this day happens after the day that we show how thankful for what we've got. A day where we come together and are united. Well, here's what I have got to say to you, America:
1. Get over yourselves.
2. Get a freaking life (sleeping on a sidewalk from 12 am until 6 am to get the best deals is not a life).
3. Learn to see what is really important.
4 - 10. Get over yourselves.
That's right, I said it GET OVER YOURSELVES. A country where we are "united we stand" sure has a funny way of showing it. I see unity in this, disasters, and when everyone is too drunk not to be united. I just stuck it to you America.

Now that I have ripped our country apart, I have a few more things to say to this Christian college that we go to. First of all, show more gratitude for what you have. I mean seriously, when it comes to the point where you are saying, "OMG! They don't have any BBQ on the salad bar! This place sucks!" you probably should recheck yourself. I know that it's the end of the world to not have anything to dip your chicken nuggets in (oh wait, no it's not), but the last time I checked...we have food to eat, not everyone in the world does. Suck it up. And for all of you people who are complaining about the dorms and how old they are...freaking get over it. First of all, you are college kids, not get over it. Second of all, do you have a place to sleep when it's snowing and raining? Thought so, suck it up. Or for you who complain about waiting in line too long at a grocery store, at least you can go there to buy things? At least you have money to do so. You could be the bum sitting outside of the store, hoping that someone would bring you food. So back to this Christian thing, we are called to live radically, are we not? Last time I checked, living radically for Christ was not being some snobby, ungrateful little twit who complains about everything, but it is someone who expresses gratefulness when no one else does. It is someone who has patience when no one else is. It is someone who is loving when there is no love. Check your motives...Thanksgiving is a holiday once a year, but an action that should be all year long.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wake up! Wake Up!

So, here I am, Saturday...4:52 pm...Library. Not much is happening today, all the study rooms are taken...Pet peeve: Study room being person...really? Is that really needed? I mean c'mon! There are a ton of other people who could use that groups of people. Do you really want to be the person that everyone despises? I think not. So freaking go to a table, heck go to a cubicle....they are built for one! But get out of the freaking huge room, lame.

Woke up this morning...yep, not dead. Left the dorm to go to the magical place that we like to call the Dining Commons, DC for short. 8 o'clock this morning I ventured to this beautiful land. 8 o'clock on a gorgeous Saturday morning, I ventured there to go into a magical little place we call...the office. A land of wonder and awe...ok, not so much. Pet peeve: Waking up to go and type out the menus for the tvs...then later on in the day they change everything I typed out. I mean, no big deal right? It doesn't really affect me...oh wait...I could have slept longer! Dear DC, quit sucking and let me know ahead of time if you are going to suck so that I can get some more sleep. Thank you, Annie.

Other thing today, made food with Kelly, Sarah, and myself of course. We get down to the kitchen (Kelly and I, because Sarah takes for freaking ever) and Kel and I realize that we need some items that we just so happen to not have. Of course the front desk is not open yet...why would it be? It's Saturday, they need to get their beauty sleep. I mean, it's not like we buy stuff from them or depend on them to have the front door unlocked or even to keep any strange men from walking upstairs. So, anyway, Kelly and I need we go to my house to get them. Annoying part of this, I thought before I jumped in my car to come back to Olson today to bring these items we needed, but I thought "no, the front desk will have them." Fail. Pet peeve: Thinking to bring something, but then not bringing it because you have a plan that will not fail...then your plan fails. Thank you Olson hall front desk.

However, the good part of the day was that I did make some freaking good bread. Not meaning to brag, but I am pretty much incredible. I mean, really, who is as great as me when it comes to cooking. Not only did I make some freaking good bread, but the best pancakes that I will probably ever have. Yep, that is right...EVER. Suck it all you breakfast geniuses out there who think you are better than me. My wrath will come upon you if you ever try to prove me know why? I am Annie Freakin Nelson.

On a serious note though, you know what really just gets me...peeves me off if you will. The lack of reliability on this freaking campus. You see, a whole...a body, are some of the most unreliable people that I have ever met. No joke. My roommate constantly asks me, why does this bother me so much? Well let me tell you, it bothers me because when we hold things above others, we are not doing what we are sent here to do. Listen to me brothers and sisters, let me tell you that it says in the Bible that we are to hold others above ourselves. This means that selfishness is out. I am sorry, but if you make a commitment, then stick to it. If your friend is in need, then go. If you see that someone is hurting, then stop. I know what the thought process is in all of these situations, "but I have homework to do" or "but I just get so sick of it" or "but I cannot do this anymore" or "but..." BUT NOTHING! Get over youselves, humble yourselves, and be a brother or sister in Christ. All those things that you have to do, can wait. Love is one of the most important commandments and putting yourself and what you have to do first is not love. Putting Christ and others that is love. I'm not saying blow off all your homework to have a good time, but I am saying that the next time someone is in need, just drop what you have and go. Respond with the love of Christ. If you are tired, then there is this dude who is with us at all times who would be more than happy to share his strength with you. Besides, think about how many times you blew off homework to do something stupid or you were distracted. At least this has purpose. Love.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is a story of a girl,
Who loves every boy in the world.
And while she flirts with all of them at once,
They absolutely love her,
Sarah Keur.
How many times in a week,
Can she get a new boy with the words that she speaks?
And her love may be so sincere,
But having one boy is her biggest fear.
As long as she stands there waiting,
She has a crowd for dating.
How many days go by,
That she walks in her room and no flowers from a guy?
This is a story of a girl,
Who loves every boy in the world.
And while she flirts with all of them at once,
They absolutely love her,
Sarah Keur.

That's my tribute for the night to Sarah Keur. Along with that, how is it that people like Sarah Keur and Maggie Burns can get so many freaking boys to just flock around them just by existing while the rest of us have to bait them in? Seriously, they have to pay guys to get away from them and we have to pay guys to hang out with us (us being the rest of the females on Taylor's campus). C'mon guys, share the wealth.

Now that I have been through that, let me tell you something. The Jumping Bean...not my favorite. In fact, I do not like it at all really. I know that is a bold statement to make, seeing how I have not had all the drinks, but seriously...I have never had anything there that has made me like, "BAM!"Nothing. I mean, don't get me wrong, the Baristas are fantastic at what they's the drink mixes that suck. I mean, powder, really? C'mon. We can do better than this. I'm just saying. Next on the list, Kelly Werner and Ryan Maloney...future married couple of America. Yes Kel, I said it. You and Ryan will get married. I mean, you don't just go to the ceramic lab at 12 in the morning for anyone. You might be throwing something, but I don't think that it's pots...err, I mean. Thirdly, What in the heck is up with this weather lately. I can't take it. Dear God, make up your mind please? Winter or Summer? Not both. Just saying.

Well, that is it right now.

I'll be back later, I am sure.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Every freaking year, day, month, any time really, I get this question, "What are you going to do with a Christian Ed. degree? Teach sunday school?" Just so you know, I did not go to a 32,000 dollar school to teach Sunday school. That would be rather foolish, now wouldn't it? However, I know what you are thinking, "it's just as bad to go for Christian Ed., you read the Bible and talk about your feelings." You know what, you are right, I go to a $32,000 school to read the Bible and talk about my feelings. I could do that for free....what was I thinking. But on a serious note, what in the heck am I going to do with this major? I could do the typical thing, go work in a nice suburban church teaching little children about Jesus, but no...that is not where I am called. That is not what I feel God wants me to do. So for all of you people who have anxiously been waiting to know what I am going to do with my future...let me tell you. I, Annie Freaking Nelson, am going to move to the hood. Yes, the hood. I do not want to live in farmville, USA anymore, nor do I want to live in richville, USA anymore. I want to live in the straight up hood. I'm talkin, "back up or I am going to cap yo' ass" hood. Honestly, I want to work with people. I want to give to those who need the love of Christ. I want to go to the root of the problem on our streets and shine some light on how to deal with it. I want God to work through me so that I may expand his Kingdom...even into the projects. I want to live a life dangerously outside of my comfort zone. What's up now world?